I was feeling all bummed out today. My baby is just too old to model for me without it being a major headache. Our sessions have been going something like this...
Now I have to go find myself another baby to use. Oh wait!! I just remembered! Our newest godchild is coming over sometime this week. Maybe I can sneak in a photo shoot with her. She's little enough that it should be easy peasy! What a hassle though to always have to go find a model. Such is life, I guess. I wouldn't have to use a "live" baby but I think it just makes the blankets feel more "real". I'm trying a new marketing scheme with our pouches. They get buried instantly in the purses section so I'm going to market them as a diaper pouch, with the option of using it for other things. I started a Project Wonderful campaign this morning, specifically targeting baby blogs and sites. I'll let you know how it all shakes out. (sorry for the small thumbnail...it's the one I'm using for the ads and it has to be 125x125.
I pulled out some of the fabric I bought in New York. (Baby Doll wasn't too impressed with modeling today so this is about the only shot I was able to get.) There's nothing like fresh fabric to get the creative juices flowing!
As I was cleaning up, I put all my new fabric into the "raw fabric" tote (I had a box from fabric.com waiting for me when I got home) and declared, (as I jammed the cover on the tote, needing to sit on it to close it) "No more buying fabric until I get some more product made!" Heehee. Looks like I better keep sewing like mad!!
Yep. She already had it figured out this morning. A "be-a-little-stinker-refusing-to-sleep-and-demand-to-be-held-all-day-long-so-there-Mom" kind of day was on tap. As long as she was held, she was as happy as a clam. It's a darn good thing she's so sweet...
My sewing machine did make an appearance at the kitchen table this afternoon but all I was able to get done was some machine quilting on two blankets. This happened during nap attempt #6546237. (trust. I did let her try cry herself to sleep, but seriously, how long can you let a baby cry before you feel like dirt?) I can't complain though because Babes and I got a lot of snuggle time in today. There's something to be said for that!
I also managed to sneak out for a "real" haircut. My first one in over a year. (I've had several others over the past year but they were done somewhere other than a salon.) What a treat! I walked out of there with a cloud of stink around my head that smelled like century old moth balls. Yuck! What do they put in those hair products anyway? Plus I looked like I had aged about 40 years or so with the style job she gave me. Not good. I washed my hair as soon as I got home and all is well.