Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I played kindergartener today

and did some cutting and pasting. I woke up this morning in the mood to make something, yet knowing that I shouldn't because we're hosting Thanksgiving tomorrow. I spent the morning de-cluttering (no point in trying to clean until the kids are in bed tonight, especially when I have extra kids here today) and after lunch decided to scratch my itch for a bit. I figured once I did a little bit, I would be good to go for a few days. We'll see if that happens or not...I pulled out a few sets of coasters to work on. The hour or so that I worked was enough to un-muddle my brain. It's amazing how therapeutic it can be!

Last night I was able to fix Mr Peacock so now he actually looks like a peacock and not a dinosaur. I'm still staring at it because something still isn't quite right with him. Maybe I'll just pull out the "artistic license" card and call it good. We'll see.
Back to my "getting ready for Thanksgiving" I go...


Kim Caro said...

they turned out very nice too :)

ARTina said...

Thanksgiving is SO in the way of my creative frenzy right now, lol. Great blog!

Andrea said...

I love these!