with the dimple in her elbow and still no hair, is no longer a baby. She is turning into a toddler.
She babbles.
She signs a few signs in sign language.
She comprehends simple sentences.
She's a ham.
She's fiesty.
She has a screech like no other.
She's squishable.
She will let no one get in her way.
She will let no one bully her.
She has sparkle.
She has spunk.
She has personality.
She will not be left out.
She's huggable.
She's loveable.
She's the cat's meow.
She knows it.
She lights up our lives.
She's a keeper.
She's no longer a baby.
She's a toddler.
Rolly legs? I don't think so. Have you seen Tucker's?
My baby boy is no longer a baby either. But he can be until baby comes.
Rolly legs? Ha! She doesn't have any deep grime-collecting crevices!
Sniff, sniff. Time for another.
It's all relative Laura and Jen. For my baby girls, her legs are rolly. They're not sticks like the other girls have had.
Compared to your two little chubbo's legs, she's not the least bit rolly.
"Deep grime-collecting crevices"? Now that doesn't sound the least bit cute!
a toddler? she's barely 1! with another on the way they just get forced to grow up, don't they?
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