Tuesday, April 22, 2008

New challenges

This morning dawned bright and sunny, the perfect weather for taking some pictures. I started snapping away until I got to this one...

How best to take pictures of a mirror? What to do about the reflection? Did I really want my toy strewn living room reflected? The sweet smiling face of my two year old? The lens of my camera?

I ran downstairs and grabbed a backdrop and draped it over the back of two chairs. I'm not super sure I like the result. I tried having it reflect up to the ceiling but ended up getting the can lights in it. Hmmm....guess I'll have to do some brainstorming on that one.

In other able mabel news....we sold another 2008 planner today. I was pleasantly surprised. Surprised because it's already April and pleased because I'm glad someone else isn't on the ball getting organized for the year (kind of like me! Of course, I'm assuming the customer who bought it is like that. I apologize if she isn't) I relisted it for all the rest of you out there looking to get organized! It's really a cool planner! I was hesitant to relist it because the pictures of it are so bad. Sister K is the one who designed it and she takes care of getting it printed and bound. I never get to touch a finished product in my hot little hands. The pictures I took of it were from the first one she made for someone. I snagged it and attempted to take pictures before it got sent out.

It's lunchtime and I'm hoping to get at least one thing listed while I eat my lunch...we'll see though.

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