This morning my baby woke up at 7:00, happy as a lark. I had no choice but to get out of my nice warm bed and get her ready for the day. By 8:00 husband and son were on their way out the door to the skating rink and I was whipping up a batch of blueberry muffins. As I was putting them into the muffin pan, feeling very pleased with myself for being so "with-it", amibitious, domestic, energetic, etc, I realized I forgot to grease the muffin pan! Oh no! There was nothing I could do at that point. I caught my mistake before I did the last 6. So now I have 6 muffins and 12 mushins. (
or as my 3 year old told me "6 fixed and the rest broken")Note to self: As soon as you feeling/acting smug, something will bring you back to reality.
able mabel is taking another weekend off. I'm just going to blog today (
okay and check out the store every once in a while). I'm playing catch up around the house today. Cleaning, baking, laundry, etc. It actually sounds fun because it all needs to be done so bad!

I love this newest
listing in our store! JB cranked it out when she was on a roll this week!
Be good and have a great weekend! See you on Monday!
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