The One and Only Baby Doll!! Taaadaaa! ("This job is so much fun! It feels so good right here that Mom included me!")
I decided to start making bibs as a way to use up the small pieces of leftover minky.
I tinkered around with the shape...("Hear me roar! Oh wait, there isn't a lion on this bib. Oh well, I'll practice anyway.")
and the size...("Check out these chompers! Mom can't wait until I get them all in. She acts like I'm crabby or something when I'm teething")
before settling on this particular one. ("You gotta admit, I'm pretty darn cute. Mom started singing me a song that goes "She's a cutie, cutie, cutie" and I rewarded her with this 1,000 watt grin. I love that song! Afterall, it's very true...Cutie Pie am I!")
JB gave me the awesome idea of making them adjustable so babies can get more mileage out of them.
I'm excited to get them listed! Now if only I could get some decent shots to use for the listing...I was so worried about getting Baby to cooperate that I forgot to make sure my other details were in order, such as the backdrop. I listed some anyway but I think I'll try to retake them all in the morning.
1 comment:
Your deigns are wonderful!
Your daughter/model is adorable.
I'll have to head over to Etsy to see your bibs, my niece just had a baby girl. I found you through your mom's blog.
Really nice blog!
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