Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Wanna see what

I bought yesterday? I am soooo excited!

It's 20 - 3" squares of fabric. I found them in starlitnest's shop. It's considered a grab bag and no two bags are the same. I ordered up two of them. I'm not really worried about what I'll end up with (as in liking all the fabrics) since everything in her shop is designer fabric. If I like these two grab bags, then I'll probably be ordering more!
I am going to use one to make myself a patchwork belt. I have a few blahish outfits for summer and a fun belt will really dress them up. I've been wanting to make one for a while but I don't have a stack of fabric sitting around and we've been going thru JB's stash fairly quickly. The squares are absolutely perfect since I don't want to have to buy yards of fabric. As I was hoping out of the shower today, I realized that I could use some cloth napkins I have in my pantry for the back of the belt, as long as the color are close. You see, my curtains in my bathroom (up on the second floor) are just two cloth napkins hanging from a curtain rod. They were a pack of four and since I've only used two so far...
We'll see how this belt goes. Who knows, if it goes okay, maybe I'll make some for our shop.
I'd tell you what I'm going to do with the other bag of scraps but then I'd have to.....well, you know. I'll let you know as soon as they're completed and listed in our shop. Again, the grab bag is absolutely perfect for this project!

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