Why there are not one, not two but three bottles of soap is a mystery to me. Most likely someone got lazy about running one of them upstairs when assigned the task of refilling the soap.
I guess we're all about choices in this house.
Remind me again why I let an 8 year old bake? She loves it and does a good job but, oh the mess!
I knew it would be like this and I thought I would be fine with it, but now that's it's done, I feel like singing a different tune! I appreciate the effort and will continue to let her bake but I get weary of the mess, especially after a full day of cleaning yesterday.
On the bright side, I've reclaimed our basement. I can hear the basketball being dribbled, the hockey puck being shot, the cheerful voices of the kids playing "rough" to their heart's content. Our basement had become a "holding tank" for all things craft sale related, empty boxes, totes brought in from the garage, luggage, everything that didn't have a place elsewhere. What a disaster! I didn't let the kids play down there because it was so disorganized. It was one of my goals for January and lo and behold, I accomplished it! It was a project and a half, but it's done and it feels awesome! Now where are those Rollerblades?
Maybe I'll read a book for the rest of the day! ;) Dream on, right?!!?
A little bit of this, a little bit of that.
Now for the evening scene with the Bigs and Hubby.
Life is good.
I looked outside at the clear blue sky and the sun streaming down and knew exactly what I was going to do. (Blogger is insisting this sentence be underlined and highlighted and I'm not sure why.)