- Today is all about the visual progress of cleaning up stacks of leftover vacation junk.
- Folding clothes with a squirmy 11.8 month old on the lap is not good.
- Distracting her by putting a sock on her hand did allow me to turbo fold the towels.
- All was well until she crawled off my lap and knocked over the stack of already folded washcloths.
- Speaking of which...I finally remembered to buy new dish cloths. Hubby will be quite impressed. The old ones were down to shreds. Not even cleaning rag worthy. Simple pleasures for simple people!
- I still get an ocassional shutter when I think of the wrong driver we met at 2am in Council Bluffs, IA on our way to MN. Could have been quite disasterous! Make a person appreciate life!
- My fingers are itching to create some new light switch covers. But in an effort to keep the peace in the family, I better get the house in order today so I can "play" tomorrow.
- I think it must not be meant for me to take vacations. Everywhere I've gone (MN and New York), the weather is yucky...rainy and cloudy. I get back home and it's all glorious sunshine! ;) Either I quit going or I keep going until I find nice weather...
- I was quick in ordering my Christmas cards, now we'll see how long they sit in their box untouched. I got some done in MN but still have a ton more to do.
- It's the first time I've seen it....a box of animal crackers that has both lions and sheep in it. It struck me as an interesting combo.
- Hubby accidently hit a button on the keyboard last night and now we have large print of our screen. It's unnerving. We can't figure out how to get it back to normal. Any ideas?
- I bought a new rolling pin the other day as a sort of bribe. I'm seriously hoping Hubby will make prune tarts again this year. They were the best I've ever tasted.
- As we listen to Christmas music, I am making a summery supper. Fish with oven potatoes. Yum.
- My three year old is chewing out his five year old sister for "scribbling" instead coloring on her school paper. Heehee.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
It's been a whirlwind
I spent a few hours shopping with JB today. We definitely could have used a few days, not just a few hours. It felt like we were on a roll when it was time to head back to Mom and Dad's. I had a supper date with friends this evening that I wanted to keep.
For someone who "didn't really need anything but I'll go along for the ride", I sure came home with stuff I guess I did "need". Our first stop was Archivers. It had been a long, long time since I had gotten to browse a big scrapping store like that. Glorious!! I filled up my basket in record time! I was just thinking last week that I needed some fresh inspiration!! Well, I got it.
After hitting four shoe stores, including Nordstrom Rack, I'm still on the lookout for the perfect pair of brown and/or black shoes. I'm not totally sure what I'm looking for but I'll know when I see it. I almost bought a pair of silvery gold shoes at the Rack but decided they showed too much toe cleavage. Not good.
Tomorrow I am determined to make a dent in my Christmas cards. Anything to save a more than a few bucks on postage. I wonder if I can sweet talk my sisters into helping me?! It sure would make it 1000 times easier!!
Sounds like Mom and Dad just pulled up. We've hardly seen then since we got here. Between both of our schedules, we're like two ships passing in the dark...
Friday, November 20, 2009
I gave in
I broke open the box of "travel goods" and pulled out two fresh coloring book and a box of crayons. Viola!! Entertainment for a good hour.
The two year old? Her attention span isn't so great. She decided the crayons were suckers. I managed to snag the them from her mouth as she sauntered by. She just giggled and kept going about her merry way.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Continuing on the food kick
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Tuesday Treasures
Enter janejoss and their wonderful fabric plant creations!

Talk about instantly sprucing up a room! A conversation starter! Something unique but oh so fun!

Going on vacation for a week? Leave worry free...no watering is required! Have the perfect place for a plant but no sunlight in sight? No problem, no sunlight required!

Seriously, it doesn't get much easier than this. They also take custom orders, so you're sure to find a set to match your decor.
Monday, November 16, 2009
A few blurbs
- Time got away from me this evening. (Now that's a first!) I had started working on some magnets before dinner and decided to pull them out again after the kiddos went to bed. Things just started flowing (it's kind of sad how long it takes to get the brain fired back up after not doing something for a while.) and now it's way later than I thought it would be.
- The shop in Glenwood gets first dibs on the magnets. Whatever she doesn't take, I'll list on Etsy.
- It'll be fun to have some fresh new product.
- I royally messed up supper tonight. When I was at Costco, I bought a different brand of chicken bullion than I usually buy. I was whipping up some chicken pot pie for dinner and glanced at package of bullion to see how much to add per cup of water. The little picture said 1 tbsp=1 cube of bullion (which is what I normally buy.). I thought it seemed high, since I thought the ratio is more like 1 tsp to 1 cube. Being that it was a different brand, I shrugged and added in 1 tbsp per cube. What is usually a favorite meal was promptly spit out by everyone except the 2 year old (go figure, she actually ate almost all her food. The one and only time...). Hubby checked out the bullion packaging again and if I had read the directions, instead of just glancing at the picture (which I looked at three times to make sure.) I would have noticed it said 1 tsp=1 cube. The picture was wrong. The written directions were right. We had PBJ's instead...Gourmet Central.
- I got our Christmas cards ordered this weekend. Shocking, isn't it? I've never been so on the ball! Once again, Hubby and I are absent from the picture (anyone remember what we look like?) and once again, no one matches, coordinates or looks "normal". I'm not sure if anyone even combed their hair that morning. We took the picture when we were out on our hike a few Sundays back so you can imagine how everyone looks. Another one of those "good enough" years.
- I think about all the darling cards we get every year and vow that the next year, I'm going to take the most adorable picture ever! Every year we do it spur of the moment, without much thought or preparation. Some things never change! At least we send them...
- I skipped grocery shopping tonight in favor of working on magnets. I'm sure my family will thank me for it in the morning. I think I'll sleep in and pull the quilt up over my head...
- We saw a man with tattoos covering both of his arms this morning. My three year old took one look at him and said, "Uh oh Mom! That guy colored all over himself!" (a definite no-no in our house) sending me into a fit of giggles!
- Which method of waking should I use on the Man of the House curled up oh-so-cozily on the couch (where he's been for the last hour)? Foot tickle? Cranky wife syndrome? Ignore him and let him figure out that he's not in his bed at 2 am? Send him a text? Flash the lights on and off for 10 minutes? A noogie? Looks like the possibilities are endless.
- Good night! We'll see you all in the morning!!
Friday, November 13, 2009
A little birdie told me

(Bright Plaid Wool Blanket)
snuggle up under a warm blanket and read a book. Instead I'll settle for dreaming about fun winter accessories I could get...

Thursday, November 12, 2009
I wish I would have brought my camera
When I had arrived at her house, our three year old boys were delighted to realize they were dressed the exact same. (brown shoes, jeans and the same brown sweatshirt) Great minds think alike!!
We got a chuckle out of all the comments we got. I'm sure most people have never seen so many little kids all in one spot.
I had the two three year olds in my cart for a bit. They had a hoot pretending they were driving 4 wheelers, dirt bikes and the like.
"Oh wow! You sure have your hands full! TWO sets of twins?!?!", says one lady (I'm not sure which other two that lady thought were twins, but I can see how she would think the boys were twins.)
At least two people asked me if all five were mine. I could truthfully say no, although I did claim my four.
Another time as I sat by both carts with all the kids while my friend ran into the Produce Cooler, this couple came up to me and the woman asked, "We have a bet going...are these all your kids?!?" I smiled sweetly and shook my head "no". Her other half elbows her and says triumphantly, "See! I knew it!!" I should have first asked what the "prize" was for whoever was right.
I had to wonder what she was thinking. There was an 11 month old, an 18 month old, a 2 year old, two 3 year olds and two 5 year olds.
a.) it's not even possible to have that many kids with that spacing.
b.) even if it was possible, I'd be absolutely nuts to take them all out in public all by myself.
I was coming around a diary cooler and this guys says rather loudly to his wife (at this point my baby was done shopping so I was carrying her as I maneuvered my cart around the store. My friend was miles behind me so I only had my 4 with me.), "See that? That's going to be you someday, Babe! You ready for that?" She groaned and said, "Oh no!" He was pleased with my brood. Her? Not so much.
Good thing Costco is an easy place to bring kids and they all behaved themselves for the most part!!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
As I was madly
I had just gotten off my rump (at about 10:15am) and decided to put away the mountain of laundry sitting in my upstairs hallway when the door opened and in walked my husband's niece. I sheepishly looked around at my messy house, trying not to feel too stupid for being so lazy this morning. No worries, she has seen my house messy more times than I care to count.
I had asked her yesterday if she had any open mornings to come model some aprons for me. I had about 6 of them sitting here waiting to be photographed (story of my life). She tackled the breakfast dishes (gulp) while I attacked the aprons with the iron. Isn't she just the sweetest?!?
Yes, Mom. Since she was already here, I did have her model your purses for me. Isn't this one just simply adorable? Upon seeing this purse, I half heartedly tried to talk my mom into giving up doll making and just doing purses. Seriously though, she has way to much talent to spend her days making purses instead of dolls.
Monday, November 9, 2009
The loafing has started
Trust. I have plenty of stuff to keep me busy for weeks (and that is just my cleaning that's been neglected), I'm just choosing not to do it today. Tomorrow? Maybe. I'm just relishing my "freedom" today. Let's hope for some energy tomorrow...
The craft sale came and went this weekend. It was about the same as last year, so we definitely can't complain. I started taking pictures on Saturday morning, but got interrupted and then forgot to go back and take the rest. I only have two pictures to share.

This table was filled with our decorative towels, rice filled heating packs and some aprons. I'm still bummed we didn't figure out a way to block off the rest of the room so you can't tell we're in a school, but such is life. Maybe next year.

Friday, November 6, 2009
I should know better
Yesterday a friend and I were doing the mad scramble to get the last of the home decor wrapped up. We got it all done except for one sign that I was going to do this morning.
The piece of wood I had to use wasn't the smoothest. For some reason I was more than slightly delusional in thinking I could still get it to work.

Oopsie! Guess not.
Sigh. I've been doing these for how many years now?!? I should know better. If the board isn't as smooth as a baby's rump, the paper is going to wrinkle. Of course, I had to use some of my favorite paper. Why didn't I try it with something hideously ugly?!? Looks like this one is headed for the burn pile....Definitely doesn't pass quality control.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Tuesday Treasures!

Feeling Groovy Lampshade
- An array of fun and colorful textiles or unique finds (old and new)
- Tossed with an armful of imagination and charm
- Add a dash of trim Sprinkle with a passion for detail
- Handle and combine cheerfully
- Put on top of a lamp base and indulge!
I find handmade items to be personal and a labor of love. Vintage, recycled or eco-friendly materials are heartwarming to me to me but the real thrill is the hunt for that special item or the inspiring idea that jumps out at me while I’m going about my day. My desire is to fill your home with a lampshade that will be absolutely treasured!

Pink and Orange Toile Lampshade
Currently, I reside in the beautiful Puget Sound town of Edmonds, located north of Seattle.
Monday, November 2, 2009
1. Naturally I'm going to say family, faith and friends. This is definitely a no brainer! Without them, I'd be oh-so-lost.
2. Etsy. Huh, you say? Without Ety, my life would be filled with laundry, cleaning and poopy diapers. My hubby is thankful for it too, although he doesn't realize it. Without Etsy, he'd have to listen to me vent every day when he got home from work about how "lame" my day was. "So-and-so bawled all day, so-and-so was sooo whinny, so-and-so pooped three times, I folded 17 batches of laundry, cleaned 3 bathrooms....etc." is what he'd be met with each and every day. See Hubby? Aren't you thankful for Etsy?!?!
3. My morning cup of coffee. Life doesn't get much better than starting off the morning right! I make sure I sit down and enjoy each and every slurp.
4. Nature. Another easy one for me. I love opening my blinds in the morning and seeing the not-too-distant mountains, now covered in snow. I love hiking three seasons out of the year. I love packing up and taking the family camping. I love watching the kids play outside. I love the peacefulness of the wilderness. I love the magestic-ness of wildlife...
5. The conveniences of this day and age. I'd be sunk if I had to live in the "olden days". If I had a dollar for every time I've said 'I'm so glad I didn't live "way back when" 'or "There's a reason I was born when I was born and not 100 years before.", I'd be one rich little gal!