Friday, February 8, 2013


Project 52. Week 6.
Theme: Work of Art.
I was bummed all week long that I hadn't thought ahead for this week.
The bus that my kids take to the ski hill on Saturdays is definitely a work of art.
I wasn't about to drive half hour away to where it is parked
so I had to come up with something different.
With a few ideas rattling around in my brain,
all day on Thursday I meant to take pictures but kept getting busy with other things.
All of a sudden it was 6 pm and I still hadn't taken one.
 Now I had the extra challenge of shooting in horrid lighting.
Procrastination backfired on me this time.
I grabbed my camera, walked into the living room and saw this.
(Knowing I was in a very low light situation,
I cranked my ISO and set my aperture at 2.
Not exactly ideal but it worked.
These are straight out of my camera,
the only editing I did was to take out a very distracting black scrap on the carpet
that I didn't notice as I was shooting.)
Works of art happening right before my eyes!
Concentration now in session.
The first work of art.

The second work of art.
Circle on over to Amber's blog for some more works of art.

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