Friday, September 13, 2013

Project 52, Week 37

Project 52, Week 37
Theme: Emotion
I took these pictures without the intent of using them for this week.
However, these are the only pictures I took for the entire week.
Sad, but true.
Luckily, they fit the theme even if they aren't the most clear, bright and focused pictures.
At least my Subject is adorable!
To say this Dolly loves peaches would be a bit of an understatement.
Like father, like daughter.
One evening, he was sharing his peach with her.
She literally had peach juice from head to toe and was loving every bite.
I grabbed my camera and was shooting from right behind my husband's left ear.
I think he may have been a bit annoyed at me, but I didn't care. :)
 Anticipation of the next slice of peach coming her way.
 Excitement that it's getting closer...
She shoves it in her mouth, watching the rest of the peach like a hawk,
 worried it will be gone before she gets another bite.
Elation when he went to get another one
(stomping her feet, clapping her hands and squealing).
Linking up to Marcy.

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