Thursday, May 6, 2010

What a fun day!

Playing Suzie Homemaker is necessary but at times greatly frustrating. I've spent the last week scrubbing, organizing, cleaning, washing, baking, etc. As of 8:00 pm last night, it looked like I had been MIA for a month. Nothing that I had slaved over was as I had left it. Grrr...Don't get me wrong, I love my family and wouldn't trade them for anything in the world, but I sometimes think we're raising Little Pigs instead of Little Kids. Take the bad with the good, I guess.

As I found my blood pressure rising last night over the state of my little girls' bedroom, I realized I needed a distraction from "normal life". Something to make me forget about it and help me "escape". I refused to slave over my house today. I was craving a day of sewing, it had been more than a week since I last pulled my machine out.

One little problem. The guy who bought our deck off of craigslist was coming today to pick it up. I did not want to be home by myself. (I did not envy him and his piles he had to load up. I offered to help but he turned me down. Shucks anyway ;) ! )

Solution: I called up one of my good friends. She had a baby a few weeks ago so I knew she'd be tired of staring at her four walls and would love a change of scenery. I bribed her with a free lunch if she'd come visit me while I sewed. (Nice friend, aren't I?)

We fed the kids mac n cheese and then feasted on a loaded sandwich and fruit, yogurt and homemade granola. Delicious!!
I didn't get much sewing done but I did manage to get two blanket tops and two key fobs done.

Blanket top #2. I love bouncing ideas off this friend. She has an awesome eye for design and color and she feels free to give her opinions when I ask for them.
I don't even care that I didn't get a lot of sewing done. I had the best of all worlds: good friend, good food, good visiting, good times while the kids played nicely together. What more could a gal ask for?
(Honestly though, the next time she comes over she'll have my undivided attention. I promise I won't sew!! I realize how selfish that sounds. This was a one time deal.)

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